Over 90% of all our products are manufactured in-house. We have always been at the forefront of adopting and integrating new and innovative systems of manufacturing, to create globally benchmarked products that cater to the diverse demands of our customers across geographies. We continuously invest to upgrade our plant machineries and equipment, and also drive efficiency.
We have taken several initiatives towards building a culture of excellence across the organisation. Using the Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST), all plants have improved workforce productivity. Our cost optimisation drive focused on materials, value engineering ideas and decreasing manufacturing cost.
Through OEE measurement, plants are focusing on minimising losses and improving line capacity with the available resources. Many plants touched the 74%+ OEE in FY 2021-22. Leveraging a structured programme on ‘Just In Time’, various teams have optimised parts inventories by consolidating supplies and working with suppliers in close proximity to our manufacturing plants. Going forward, this will be extended to the entire supply chain.
We undertook rigorous cost-optimisation measures at all our manufacturing facilities. Various crossfunctional teams (CFTs) were formed, with set objectives related to several key areas, ensuring wider participation and quick decision-making. The CFTs also came up with various ‘new ways of working’ to drive efficiency.
New SKUs Launched in Domestic Appliances in FY 2021-22
Takt Time (Appliances)
We commissioned the most advanced robotic manufacturing plant in Ghiloth, Rajasthan, in line with the ‘Make in India’ vision. This is a washing machine manufacturing plant with the capacity to produce 3 lakhs units/annum. Manufacturing Execution System (MES) has been installed to monitor the production cycle in real time, improving operations and saving time.
The greenfield plant will significantly strengthen our production capacity. We aim to bring 20 new models of washing machines and 50 new models of ACs in the market in 2022. As part of Industry 4.0, the embedded systems, factories and operators are connected over the IoT to work together in a synchronised manner, within an integrated digital and physical environment. Use of robots, backed with AI, are driving precision and quality, helping us make quality Indian products for the global market.
The industry 4.0 capability and the MES facility reduces reliance on manual monitoring and supervision, making all information about production data and loss-time, among others, available remotely in a paperless environment.