Experience Convenience + Relish Taste with Havells Airfryer

Experience Convenience + Relish Taste with Havells Airfryer

Experience Convenience + Relish Taste with Havells Airfryer

Food is something we all love to indulge in. More so, when it’s fried, it appears and tastes all the more tempting. Even after being aware of how harmful is oily food for our health, we still get tempted by the taste of fried snacks. Of course, fried food is crispier and tastier but it is also loaded with calories. Moreover, it lacks the nutritional value. People who generally munch on fried snacks are prone to many health problems if they don’t work out in order to burn those extra calories.

Technology, these days, has an answer for every problem. And air fryer is one of the best products of such innovative technology. For all who like to have crispy snacks without using too much oil, air fryer is an amazing kitchen appliance. In this appliance, food is cooked with hot air circulation. Thus, you can easily relish the taste of all those fried snacks and meals without actually using the quantity of oil used in traditional deep frying.

Havells Prolife Digi Airfryer

In its endeavor to offer the best, Havells brings in an air-fryer which lets you fry, bake, toast, roast, grill, and reheat the food through its rapid air technology. This advanced cooking appliance offers you food with almost same taste which you get from traditional deep frying. However, what you get less is the oil and that too, 85 % less as compared to deep frying. Havells Prolife Digi Airfryer has a patented round basket with slots at side wall for better air circulation. It has an integrated 60-minute timer with an auto-off and a temperature control function with setting up to 200°C. Its pan has a capacity of 4 litres which means you can cook food in large quantities easily at one go.

Guilt-Free Eating

As we said, Havells air-fryer can roast, toast, bake, reheat and fry food while using 85% less oil, you can actually relish all those fries, samosas, tikkas and so much more without thinking about the calories anymore. It makes the food crispier, striking a perfect balance between taste and health. So, indulge in your favorite foods guilt-free, and host parties with healthier snack options.

Mess-Free Experience

If the first advantage is almost no oil food, the second best advantage of air-fryers is the mess-free experience they offer. We all know that traditional deep frying calls for so much oil used at high temperatures which certainly involves risk of spilling, burning or any other mishappening. Moreover, while frying, there are chances of dripping and creating mess. But air-fryers give you absolutely mess-free experience with no dripping, spilling, burning or anything like that. It is absolutely easy to clean since oil is hardly used.

No Smelly Kitchen or Home

Generally, when you fry any food, your kitchen and in fact home get that nauseating odour of oil. But with air-fryer, you need not to worry about any foul odour because its innovative air filtration system filters out the smell, offering a perfectly clean and odourless kitchen. So, all you’re getting through an air-fryer is a positive checklist.

100% Win-Win Deal

Counting all the above benefits, this 1230W air-fryer also comes with an integrated timer with an auto-off and a temperature control function to let you cook food really fast without compromising on the taste or quality. Its 4-L pan is adequate to cook food in large quantities. Moreover, its airfrying basket has a separator for cooking multiple food items at the same time.

To Conclude

Give yourself and your health the priority. Start with healthy cooking using an air-fryer. Havells Prolife Digi Airfryer is the best bet given to its advanced features, infused with the latest technology. With the trust of a brand like Havells, you’re definitely going the get the best experience out of this cooking appliance. So, eat healthy and enjoy the convenience of mess-free cooking.