General Information
Date of Incorporation
The Company was incorporated as HAVELL’S (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED on 8th August, 1983 under the Companies Act, 1956. The Company changed its name/status from HAVELL’S (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED to HAVELL’S INDIA LIMITED on 31st March, 1992. The Company further changed its name from HAVELL’S INDIA LIMITED to HAVELLS INDIA LIMITED on 28th July, 2007.
CIN (Corporate Identification Number)
The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of the Company is L31900DL1983PLC016304.
Listing on Stock Exchanges
Stock Exchange | Security Code |
BSE Limited | 517354 |
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd | HAVELLS |
History of Bonus Issues (Post Listing of Shares)
Financial Year | Bonus Share Issue in the Ratio |
2005 | 1:1 |
2006 | 1:1 |
2010 | 1:1 |
History of Sub division of Equity shares (Post Listing of Shares)
Financial Year | Sub-division of Equity Shares |
2004 | Equity shares of face value Rs 10/- each divided into equity shares of face value of Rs.5 each. |
Equity shares of face value Rs 5/- each divided into equity shares of face value of Rs.1 each. |
Ownership in Physical and Demat Mode
As at the end of 31st December, 2024, 99.90 % of the Company’s paid up capital is held in dematerialized form.
As a good corporate governance practice, it is the endeavor of Company to keep apprising its shareholders to opt for dematerialised shareholding. Considering the advantages of scrip less trading, the Company encourages Members to consider dematerialization of their shareholding so as to avoid inconvenience involved in the physical shares such as mutilation, possibility of loss/misplacement, delay in transit etc. and also to ensure safe and speedy transaction in securities.

Manage Your shares
- If you are still holding your Shares in physical form, get them dematerialised.
Getting your shares dematerialised is quick and easy!
- You need to first open a Demat A/c with any DP (Depository Participant) of your choice. This is like a bank a/c - in bank you keep money and in a demat a/c you keep shares. The list of DPs is available on the websites of depositories: CDSL(Central Depository Services(India) Ltd and NSDL(National Securities Depository Ltd).
- Obtain your Demat A/c No. from your DP. This is also called beneficial owner identification number (BO ID). All your purchases/ investments in shares will be credited to this account. If you sell your securities, your demat account will be debited.
- Obtain a Demat Request Form (DRF) from your DP and surrender your physical share certificates to your DP along with this DRF.
- Your DP will then forward your share certificates to the Company or its RTA (Registrar and Share Transfer Agent).
- Your DP will credit the holding of your shares into your demat account, electronically. Dematerialization will normally take about 3 weeks.>
Restriction on transfer of physical shares
In terms of the amendment in Regulation 40 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 vide Gazette notification dated June 8, 2018, transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only w.e.f 5th December,2018. SEBI in its Press Release dated December 03,2018 has extended this date till April 1, 2019.
Accordingly, request for effecting transfer of securities shall not be processed unless the securities are held in the Dematerialized form with the depository with effect from April 1, 2019. Therefore Registrars and Transfer Agent and Company will not be accepting any request for transfer of shares in physical form with effect from April 1, 2019. This restriction shall not be applicable to the request received for transmission or transposition of physical shares.
In this regard, Link Intime India Pvt Ltd (RTA) has written to all those shareholders of the Company who hold their shares in physical form, advising them to arrange the dematerialization of their shares at the earliest to avoid any inconvenience in future for transferring those shares.
Benefits of Dematerialized Shareholding
- No risk of loss of share certificate(s) - that of transit, theft, mutilation, bad delivery etc.
- Investor friendly - even 1 single share can be transferred and share(s) bought or sold are credited/ debited to demat a/c immediately unlike in case of transfer of physical shares.
- Demat securities - most preferred by banks, financiers for providing credit facility against securities.
- Easy updation - when you get any change in your address/ other details updated in the demat a/c, the same gets registered with all companies in one go in which you hold shares electronically, thereby saving you the need to correspond with each of them separately.
- Immediate credit of corporate actions done by corporate houses like Bonus, Rights issues etc.
- Easy Nomination facility - unlike physical shares, for which you have to avail nomination separately for each company in which you hold shares; by availing nomination for your demat a/c, all your investments in that account are covered under that nomination.
- Smooth Transmission of securities in case of any eventualities.
- Just like a bank branch, you will get a periodical statement of account of your holdings.
If you are holding physical share-certificates
Contact the Company's RTA/ Company
- Ensure that your Name, Address and Contact details (Telephone No.) are correctly updated in the Company's records.
- Ensure that your Email address is registered with the Company to receive communication in electronic form.
- Ensure that your Bank Details are updated so your Dividend can be directly credited into your Bank A/c.
- Ensure that the Nominee details are updated.
If you are holding shares in dematerialised form
Contact your DP (Depository Participant) directly
- Notify change in bank details / address / email Id directly with your respective DPs.
Payment of Dividends
The Company uses electronic means (electronic clearing services, direct credit, real time gross settlement, national electronic funds transfer etc.) for making payment of dividend.
For this purpose, the bank details of the Shareholders are sought from:
- Company's records/ masters as per the details furnished by the shareholders
- Depositories, in case of shareholders holding securities in dematerialized mode
In cases where either the bank details such as MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition), IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) etc. that are required for making electronic payment are not available or the electronic payment instructions have failed or have been rejected by the bank, "payable-at-par" warrants/ cheques are issued for making payments.
- Your dividend is credited directly into your bank if your Bank Details are updated
- In case your Bank Details are not updated, Dividend Warrant is despatched at your registered address
It is better to have your Dividend directly credited into your Bank A/c as it saves the risk of Dividend Warrant being lost in transit or mutilated. Also, when you opt for ECS facility, you receive the payment in your account the day it is credited whereas when you receive the physical Warrant you need to get it encashed.
- The forms given below are only meant for the purpose of Shareholders holding their shares in physical form.
- In case share are held in demat form, the Company takes note of the information as provided by the Depositories. Hence, Shareholders holding shares in Dematerialized form are requested to directly contact their respective DP (Depository Participant).
Shareholder FAQs
SEBI Circulars
- SEBI Circular dated 10.06.2024
- SEBI Master Circular dated 07.05.2024
- SEBI Master Circular ODR Mechanism 28.12.2023
- SEBI Circular dated 27.12.2023
- SEBI Circular dated 17.11.2023
- SEBI Circular dated 26.09.2023
- SEBI Master Circular dated 11.08.2023
- SEBI Circular dated 31.07.2023
- SEBI Corrigendum cum Amendment to Circular dated 31.07.2023
- SEBI Circular dated 16.03.2023
- SEBI Circular dated 30.05.2022
- SEBI Circular dated 25.01.2022